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Sims 3 How Long Is Pregnancy Update

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How long does a Sims 3 pregnancy last?

Duration. Pregnancies last 75 Sim hours in The Sims 2 and 72 Sim hours in The Sims 3 though it’s common to refer to pregnancies as lasting 3 days in both games.

How many days is a Sim pregnant?

To know right away if your Sim is pregnant, click on a toilet to take a pregnancy test for 15 Simoleons. You can also keep an eye on their Moodlets for signs of pregnancy and to see which trimester they’re in. Your Sim’s pregnancy will last about three days.

How does pregnancy work in Sims 3?

Generally, sims will realize they are pregnant about 24 sim hours after the deed is done. Then 3 days later, around that same time, the baby will be born.

Can you get pregnant on Sims 3 Woohoo?

Normal woohoo does not have a chance for pregnancy. However, with NRaas Woohooer, you can make woohoo “risky” which creates a chance of pregnancy after even normal woohoo.

Can you cancel pregnancy Sims 3?

Click your Sim -> NRaas -> Master Controller -> Advanced -> Pregnancy -> End Pregnancy. You’ll get a confirmation dialog, but confirming puts your Sim back into their normal state, otherwise you can choose to pause it (or resume a previously paused one) or just keep going with it.

How to know if Sim is pregnant in Sims 3?

If you don’t hear the baby chimes, one way to see whether your sim is pregnant is to click on the ground and select “Go here.” If she’s pregnant, she’ll get a square command in her action queue, rather than the usual longer one with various options (automatic, walk here, run here).

What gender is the baby in Sims 3?

When the woman is pregnant, if she eats apples or anything with apples, she’ll have a baby boy. If she eats watermelons or anything with watermelons, she’ll have a girl. It’s like a score, so if she eats more watermelons than apples, she’ll have a girl.

Can Sims get pregnant accidentally?

If your Sim “discuss expending family” with a Love interest it can happen that you have a miracle pregnancy. The game doesn’t filter played sims and unplayed sims. It’s the same bug/feature as the ring in the bag scenario just you don’t have the call.

Can you have twins in Sims 3?

To have twins or even triplets, your Sim has to be pregnant. To get a Sim pregnant, the two Sims of opposite gender must have a high romantic relationship. The Relationship bar will need to be almost full for pregnancy to occur.

How many kids can you have in Sims 3?

you can have as many children as your sim will allow. Many people including my self have started “100 baby challenge” . You can have even more then that if you wanted if your life span will allow, but only 8 in one household so you will have to kick some out 🙂 ^ when they grow up?

How to get pregnant fast in Sims 3?

You have to choose try for baby several times, it may take 20 times before the sim gets pregnant, it will tell you when it happens though. I haven’t tried to have a baby yet, but there is a Fertility life reward you can buy. It’s supposed to increase the chances of having a baby.

How long is a term in Sims 3?

The top choice counts as one term (one Sim-week) while the bottom choice counts as two terms (two Sim-weeks) and there is a slider for how many credits (one, two or three classes) for the term.

How fast do babies age in Sims?

If you wish to let nature take its course, babies will generally age up to toddlers after about three days. You’ll be alerted before it happens.

How long do Sims stay newborn?

Now that Infancy is a Life Stage in every Sims journey, the Newborn Life Stage timeframe has been shortened considerably to one day. Newborns will age up into Infants on their own, but you can also Age Up Newborns early into an Infant Sim by clicking on them and selecting Age Up.

Can Sims get pregnant without trying for baby?

When having regular WooHoo with another Sim, there’s a small chance that it will result in pregnancy. If you want to improve those odds, command your Sim to “Try For Baby” with another Sim. If you don’t see the option for “Try For Baby” with another Sim, ensure your Sim has a 40 percent romantic relationship with them.

Can my Sims have triplets?

In The Sims 4, it’s possible to give birth to twins and triplets, but these can be quite rare. In this guide, we are going to go over all you need to know to have more than one baby at a time.

What is the difference between trying for baby and WooHoo?

The ‘Custom Gender Settings’ panel in Create-A-Sim allows you to change these options, as well as disabling ‘Try for Baby’ altogether for that Sim by selecting ‘Neither’. By contrast to regular WooHoo, which never results in pregnancy, Trying for Baby has an 80% base chance of success.

Can your Sims have abortions?

The makers of the long-running video game series The Sims don’t allow pregnant characters to have abortions. But unofficial add-ons that give players that option are popular, their creators tell Axios.

Can male Sims get pregnant?

It’s well-established that male Sims – and only male Sims – can become pregnant via alien abduction. However, there’s a little confusion among players as to how things work if you use ‘Try for Baby’ with an alien partner.

How do you delete a baby on Sims 3?

Straightforward Deletion : Birth the baby, then use testingcheats to shift+click the baby and select “delete.” Note that this method may cause issues, so proceed with caution .

How do you have kids on Sims 3?

Once an adult male and female Sim are in a romantic relationship you click on the bed and select “try for baby with…”. Your Sims will go under the sheets and, um, try for baby. After that your female Sim has the option of taking a pregnancy test on the toilet.

Can you be LGBT in Sims 3?

The Sims 3 and The Sims Medieval If Generations is installed, two teens of the same sex may autonomously go to the prom together as dates. If Showtime is installed, wishing for love from the Genie will result in a dialog box giving the Sim the option to choose the gender of their prospective lover.

How do you get triplets on Sims 3?

What’s the cheat to have triplets in Sims 3? The secret is to make sure your female sim has the fertility reward, even better if the male sim has it as well. Once your sim is expecting, make them listen to kid’s music,all day,2 days even. That will normally give you triplets.

Can unicorns have babies Sims 3?

Unicorn offspring Unicorns can mate with other unicorns and even with horses. If a unicorn mates with a horse, there is a 50% chance the foal will be a unicorn. If both parents are unicorns, the foal will be a unicorn as well. Unicorn foals have no access to their unicorn abilities.

How long is a Sim a newborn?

Now that Infancy is a Life Stage in every Sims journey, the Newborn Life Stage timeframe has been shortened considerably to one day. Newborns will age up into Infants on their own, but you can also Age Up Newborns early into an Infant Sim by clicking on them and selecting Age Up.

How soon do Sims give birth?

The first and second “trimester” are each one Sim day, then the third “trimester” is 1–2 days. After that, your Sim will go into labor. If you wait three Sim hours they will have the baby on their own and a crib for it will appear. If you buy a crib yourself, you can click on it and choose “have baby” right away.

How long is a trimester in Sims 4?

A Sim’s pregnancy will last for three in-game days, regardless of the lifespan you’ve set your game to. Each trimester lasts one day, so you can expect different behaviors from your Sim daily.

How long does a pregnancy last in Sims 4?

In The Sims 4, pregnancies can last up to 3 days. In The Sims FreePlay, pregnancies last approximately 216 hours (9 days). The Sims 2 has cheats which can be used to reduce the gestation period to a mere 2 hours of Sim time. The lifespan setting in The Sims 3 does not normally affect the duration of a pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant in Sims 3?

The Sims 2 has cheats which can be used to reduce the gestation period to a mere 2 hours of Sim time. The lifespan setting in The Sims 3 does not normally affect the duration of a pregnancy. The motives of a pregnant Sim will drop at an increased rate, even if the Sim is not visibly pregnant.

How many times a day does a SIM get pregnant?

From the hour in which a Sim becomes pregnant, she will expand 25 Sim hours later each day until she gives birth. So a female who becomes pregnant at one o’clock on Tuesday, will expand at two on Wednesday, three on Thursday, and give birth at four on Friday.

How long does a pregnant Sim get a moodlet?

This can continue throughout the pregnancy but all sims will get it at 8 hours. After 24 hours, the sim will get a “Pregnant” moodlet with a +20 mood bonus for the duration of the pregnancy. Pregnant sims can get a “Backache” moodlet which gives -20 mood and lasts for 4 hours, or until the sim gets a massage.

The Sims 3: Exploring the Duration of Pregnancy

As a long-time fan of The Sims franchise, I’ve always been fascinated by the intricate details that go into the game’s mechanics. One aspect that has particularly piqued my interest is the duration of pregnancy for Sims in The Sims 3. In this article, I’ll delve into the specifics of Sim pregnancy and provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding this fascinating aspect of the game.

In The Sims 3, the duration of a Sim’s pregnancy can vary depending on a few key factors. The base length of a pregnancy is 3 Sim days, which equates to approximately 72 hours in real-time. However, this duration can be influenced by various factors, such as the Sim’s Lifetime Happiness, Relationship, and Pregnancy Traits.

The Lifetime Happiness of a Sim can have a direct impact on the length of their pregnancy. Sims with higher Lifetime Happiness tend to have shorter pregnancies, while those with lower Lifetime Happiness may experience longer gestation periods. This reflects the idea that happier Sims are more likely to have an easier and more straightforward pregnancy.

Additionally, the Relationship between the pregnant Sim and their partner can also play a role in the duration of the pregnancy. Sims with a stronger, more positive Relationship tend to have slightly shorter pregnancies, as the emotional support and connection between the partners can help ease the process.

Finally, the Pregnancy Traits that a Sim possesses can also influence the length of their pregnancy. These Traits are randomly assigned to Sims when they become pregnant and can include traits such as “Fertile,” “Difficult Pregnancy,” or “Easy Pregnancy.” Sims with the “Fertile” Trait will have a shorter pregnancy, while those with the “Difficult Pregnancy” Trait may experience a longer gestation period.

It’s important to note that the duration of a Sim’s pregnancy can also be affected by any Mods or Cheats that the player may have installed. Some players may choose to use Mods or Cheats to adjust the length of pregnancy or other aspects of the game, which can alter the standard pregnancy duration.

To summarize, the typical duration of a Sim’s pregnancy in The Sims 3 is 3 Sim days, or approximately 72 hours in real-time. However, this can be influenced by the Sim’s Lifetime Happiness, Relationship status, and Pregnancy Traits, as well as any Mods or Cheats the player may have installed.


  1. How long does a Sim’s pregnancy last in The Sims 3?

    • The base length of a Sim’s pregnancy in The Sims 3 is 3 Sim days, or approximately 72 hours in real-time.
  2. Can the length of a Sim’s pregnancy be affected by other factors?

    • Yes, the duration of a Sim’s pregnancy can be influenced by their Lifetime Happiness, Relationship status, and Pregnancy Traits, as well as any Mods or Cheats the player may have installed.
  3. How do these factors affect the length of a Sim’s pregnancy?

    • Sims with higher Lifetime Happiness tend to have shorter pregnancies, while those with lower Lifetime Happiness may experience longer gestation periods.
    • Sims with a stronger, more positive Relationship tend to have slightly shorter pregnancies.
    • Sims with the “Fertile” Pregnancy Trait will have a shorter pregnancy, while those with the “Difficult Pregnancy” Trait may experience a longer gestation period.
  4. Can I use Mods or Cheats to change the length of a Sim’s pregnancy?

    • Yes, some players may choose to use Mods or Cheats to adjust the length of pregnancy or other aspects of the game, which can alter the standard pregnancy duration.
  5. Is there any way to predict the length of a Sim’s pregnancy in The Sims 3?

    • By considering the Sim’s Lifetime Happiness, Relationship status, and Pregnancy Traits, you can get a general idea of how long their pregnancy might last. However, the exact duration may still vary due to the game’s randomization and any Mods or Cheats that may be in use.

See more here: New Sims 3 How Long Is Pregnancy Update

The Sims 3 Pregnancy, Adoption, and Having Kids

This is a full guide to raising children in the Sims 3. This article helps with getting pregnant by woohoo, choosing the gender with watermelons or apples, having twins or triplets and adopting. Also the importance of caring for mom. Carl’s The Sims 3 Game Site

Pregnancy – The Sims 3 Guide –

Elder female Sims cannot get pregnant, but elder male Sims can try for a baby with a young adult or adult female Sim. Having a Bun in the Oven. When a female Sim is

Game Help:Sims 3 Pregnancy – SimsWiki

During Pregnancy. After your sim is pregnant, you’ll notice a number of changes… Length/Duration. Pregnancy Duration: 3 days (72 hours) Pregnancy needs Simswiki

How long does it take for a sim to give birth? – The Sims

The Sims 3 (PC) How long does it take for a sim to give birth? I wanted to know how long a sim is pregnant before she gives birth. If you can, can you give me it GameSpot

How Long Is a Sim Pregnant? :: The Sims™ 3 General Discussions

It takes roughly 69 hours for the Sim to go from the initial Try for Baby (if it was successful) to heading into labor. #1. Creative Gamer Tag Mar 9, 2017 @ 9:11am. Steam Community

The Sims 3 Pregnancy, Adoption, and Having Kids

Being Pregnant in the Sims 3 How to tell if the Sim is Pregnant. Sometimes, but not always, when Sims try for a baby a “Rock-a-Bye-Baby” tune will play. The way you’ll know for Carl’s The Sims 3 Game Site

Steam Community :: Guide :: Pregnancy – The Sims 3

The pregnancy lasts 3 sim days. Each day represents a trimester. Second Trimester: At some point during the day, the pregnant sim will change into maternity Steam Community

How long does pregnancy last? – The Sims 3 – GameFAQs

The Sims 3. How long does pregnancy last? JethLordMaster 14 years ago #1. ??? My sims’ lifespans are set for the normal 90 days if that matters. “The brightest light casts the GameSpot

Is there a way to end a pregnancy : r/Sims3 – Reddit

One click on your Sim and you can choose to impregnate yourself or someone else, display pregnancy information, set baby’s sex and number of babies, how far along your Sim is, Reddit

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